BIMS International Research Journal of Management and Commerce <p style="text-align: justify;">BIMS International Research Journal of Management and Commerce (Journal for Humanities &amp; Science) is a peer reviewed, refereed, open access journal that publishes papers on areas of management such as Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior and Organizational Management, International Business, Knowledge Management, Engineering, Risk Management Environmental Management, Data Analysis and Decision Making, Technology and Operations Management, Strategic Decision Making, Negotiations and Competitive Decision Making, Ethics in Management, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Public Management, Rural Management, General Management, Hotel Management, Intellectual Property Rights, Education Management, Communication Management, Lifecycle Management, Spiritual Management, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management, Leisure Management, Inventory Management, Waste Management, Hospital Management, Education Career in 2020 during Covid etc.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Publication en-US BIMS International Research Journal of Management and Commerce IMPACT OF GLOBALIZATION ON VARIOUS BUSINESS SECTORS IN INDIA Globalization is a generally characterized word today utilized in each circle of life be it economy, business the executives training. The world of today has shrunk into a small global village. People are affected by what is happening and how it is changing the world. Innovation is the vitally main thrust in the globalization, the new development data innovation affects the economies of the world and transformed them radically in beyond twenty years. Because of globalization we have open economies around the world, nations like China have additionally cleared a path for exchange to the world and they are thriving. Countries like India and Pakistan have benefited from international cooperation and peace thanks to globalization. Even farmers have benefited from globalization—they now get a better price for their products and a higher yield. In many parts of India, potato, tomato, and ketchup producers have worked together with chip manufacturers. For their mangoes, spices, flowers, vegetables, fruits, tobacco, and pappads, Indian farmers now have access to international markets. This paper explains how globalization has reduced transportation costs, reduced or eliminated control over the capital market, established free trade zones by reducing or eliminating tariff payments in some cases, and made it easier for goods and people to travel to other countries. This has made tourism one of the fastest-growing industries. The likelihood of war between nations has decreased, and individuals and businesses can now communicate with one another. However, even after all of this has taken place as a result of globalization, the topic remains highly contentious. Many people contend that globalization has contributed to the exploitation of laborers from poor countries, the spread of deadly diseases like cancer and HIV, the depletion of the ozone layer, pollution of the earth, the extinction of species that already exist, and drug use, among other things. Ramesh Tripathi Copyright (c) 8 1 01 05 EXHAUSTIVE AUDIT OF WRITING ON CONDUCT MONEY The main assumption of standard finance is that investors are rational and take into account all available information when making portfolio investment decisions. The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), an important theory of standard finance, shows that this is true. Psychologists have argued that investors cannot be rational because their decisions are influenced by cognitive and psychological errors, challenging this assumption over time. Behavioural Finance is a new field of financial economics that was created as a result of the work that a number of well-known psychologists did in this area. Behavioural finance looks at how investors' investment decisions are influenced by a variety of psychological factors. In light of this, the purpose of the current paper is to make a modest attempt to review a number of studies in this field in order to gain a clear understanding of the topic and recognize its significance in financial decision-making. From the survey of writing it is found that conduct finance attempts to fill the hole between genuine way of behaving (Ordinary way of behaving) and anticipated conduct (Reasonable Way of behaving), in any case, presently there is no bound together hypothesis of social money that gives a legitimate spot to the elements impacting monetary choices of financial backers. Keywords: Behavior, finances, heuristics, rationality, the group, and EMH. Sangeeta Ahuja Copyright (c) 8 1 06 11 HEADWAY AND USE OF PARASITOIDS FOR NATURAL APHIDS CONTROL IN CHINA A brief history of Chinese biological control is presented alongside a review of aphid parasitoids in China, with a focus on their production, utilization, and conservation. In China, Aphidiidae were found in twenty genera with 99 species and Aphelinidae in two genera with 11 species. A brief description of the aphid, the host plant, research fields like taxonomy, biology, bionomics, geographic distribution, rearing, and citations to relevant literature are included for each parasitoid. For dominant aphid parasitoids like Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead, A. ervi Haliday, and Aphelinus mali Haldeman, achievements, status, issues in aphid parasitoid production, use, conservation, and future prospects are detailed. Finally, we look at the advantages and disadvantages of commercializing natural enemies in China, particularly aphid parasitoids. Keywords: China, review, aphid parasitoids, family Aphidiidae, family Aphelinidae, biological control Ashish Mishra Copyright (c) 8 1 12 17 THE PHILOSOPHY OF CONSTRUCTIVISM: EFFECT ON RESEARCH, EDUCATION, AND LEARNING The constructivism philosophical worldview is an effective instrument that can yield many advantages when executed in the doing of exploration in assorted field of concentrate as well as in endeavor instructing and learning exercises at any instructive level. There was the need to take on the subjective exploration's useful asset accordingly, record examination to introduce a writing audit regarding the matter to illuminate analysts and educators of the incredible imports, rich and valuable data that they can gather from this lively worldview of reasoning. The paper projects, how specialists can be trained with this philosophical worldview in their determination of examination plan, instrumentation, hypothetical system and information investigation methods. It suggests feasible educational procedures that instructors can utilize for training students in the constructivist approach. The paper battles unequivocally that the constructivism philosophical worldview gives a firm establishment to investigates, particularly in humanities, schooling and other conduct explores while expanding understudies' learning results when utilized in educating and learning exercises. Keywords: Constructivism, Philosophy, Research, Instructional Strategies, schooling Dr. Gyanwati Srivastava Copyright (c) 8 1 18 22 THE IMPACT OF JOB STRESS IN THE BANKING SECTOR ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE It has been demonstrated that stress in the workplace has a negative impact on profits and productivity as well as on employees' health and well-being. The inability to meet the demands of the job, a mismatch with the job profile, job insecurity, relationships with coworkers, and other organizational structural factors could all contribute to occupational stress. In the present fast speed situation workers go through elevated degree of word related pressure, grater disappointment, and have higher work assumptions. Individuals and organizations can take steps to either lessen the negative effects of stress or prevent it from occurring in the first place. In any case, representatives first need to figure out how to perceive the signs that show they are feeling worried, and businesses should know about the impacts that pressure has on their workers' wellbeing as well as on organization benefits. The empirical impact of workplace stress on Banks employees' performance is examined in this paper. The sample for this study was gathered from banks in major Rajasthan State cities. Using a questionnaire about structures, pertinent data were gathered. The hypothesis was examined with the help of the Z-test. The finding demonstrated that employees' poor mental and psychological health is caused by subjective effects like fear, rage, and anxiety brought on by workplace stress. On the basis of these findings, it was suggested that banks redesign their jobs to reduce psychological strain, job insecurity, and clear role ambiguity. It is possible to organize additional support activities like short-term time management courses, workshops on stress management, and behavioral and psychological counseling. Keywords: Stress Management, Employee Performance, and Occupational/Job Stress. Manjulata Yadav Copyright (c) 8 1 23 27 LEADING HIGHER EDUCATION CURRICULUM REFORM IN BOTSWANA: ISSUES AND DIFFICULTIES FOR SCHOLASTIC CENTER CHIEFS This exploratory review analyzed issues and difficulties for scholastic center supervisors (AMMs) in the main of educational program change in advanced education organizations HEIs. The reason of this study was that administration errands that include persuading and motivating subordinates as opposed to forcing them are the best approach to come by the best outcomes from subordinates during the course of educational program change. Therefore, the study sought to answer the following question: In Botswana's higher education institutions, how do AMMs lead curriculum change? The stratified random sampling method was used to select 162 AMMs from a total of 280 AMMs from the five HEIs. A concurrent triangulation design and a mixed methods approach were used. The concentrate likewise utilized an organized poll and a semi-structure interview for information assortment. Means and standard deviations were used to analyze quantitative data. The weights for responses with the words "Strongly Agree," "Agree," "Neutral," "DA," and "Strongly Disagree" were 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. A criterion mean of 3 was calculated by dividing the weights by 5, so that responses with mean scores below 3 were rejected and those with mean scores of 3 or higher were accepted as representing marginal to very good performance in leading curriculum change. The qualitative data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Aftereffects of this study showed that the utilization of more participative authority styles, for example, appropriated administration is critical to fruitful preparation and execution of educational plan change in HEIs by scholastic center supervisors. Keywords: Curriculum leaders, leadership models, distributed leadership, leadership dimensions. Shreya Awasthi Copyright (c) 8 1 28 33 सागर में रोलेट एक्ट एवं रतौना कसाई खाने के ववरोध में आन्दोलन रोलेट एक्ट के ववरोध में 6 अप्रैल 1919 में पूरे भारत में उपवास एवं सभायें आयोवजत की गयी सागर इससे अछूता नहीं रहा। बापू के सत्याग्रह का ही पररणाम था कक सागर के वनवावसयों ने खादी पहनना, चरखा चलाना, सूत काटना, तकली चलाना, शराब बंदी आकद एक आन्दोलन के रूप में आचरणगत स्वीकार ककये। शराब के अड्डों को उखाड़ फेंका और इस दौरान गौ वध के वलये बने बूचड खानों को भी आन्दोलन प्रेवमयों ने उखाड़ फेंका। सागर के रतोना में "कसाई घर उखाड़ फेंकने की घटना वजले में असहयोग आन्दोलन और बापू का ही प्रभाव था। Dr. G. R. Chohan Copyright (c) 8 1 34 37 THE INFLUENCE OF SOFT SKILLS TRAINING PROGRAMS ON THE SOFT SKILL DEVELOPMENT OF SALES EMPLOYEES: A STUDY IN SAGAR, MADHYA PRADESH This study aimed to investigate the influence of soft skills training programs on the soft skill development of sales employees in Sagar, Madhya Pradesh. The research methodology involved utilizing the theoretical framework proposed by Astin (1993) to examine the growth of learners' skills before and after the intervention. The study focused on 11 skill categories, including general knowledge, critical thinking, problem-solving, communication skills, leadership abilities, and job-related skills. The assessment of participants' soft skills was based on Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, which categorized skills into various intelligences such as linguistic intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, and interpersonal intelligence. The analysis involved conducting T-test evaluations for different skill components. For linguistic ability, the results showed a significant improvement in participants' formal communication skills after the training program. There was a statistically significant difference between the mean pre-test scores and the mean post-test scores, indicating a positive impact on participants' language proficiency. Furthermore, the study found that there was no significant difference between the participants' overall linguistic ability as measured by the mean post-test scores and their delayed post-test scores, suggesting that the improvements in linguistic ability were sustained over time. These findings emphasize the effectiveness of the soft skills training program in enhancing employees' formal communication abilities and language proficiency. The implications of this study suggest that investing in soft skills training can have a positive influence on sales employees' soft skill development, leading to improved job performance and effectiveness in their roles. However, it is important to conduct further research to assess the impact of soft skills training on other skill categories and to evaluate the overall effectiveness of such programs in enhancing the soft skill development of sales employees in diverse contexts. Keywords: soft skills training, sales employees, soft skill development, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, Astin framework, multiple intelligences, linguistic intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, spatial intelligence. Manish Shrivastava, Dr. Neha Mathur, Dr. Seema Rafeeq Copyright (c) 8 1 38 44 IMPACT OF TRAINING PROGRAMS ON EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT IN PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS IN SAGAR, MADHYA PRADESH (MP) This research study focuses on examining the impact of training programs on employee development in private institutions in Sagar, Madhya Pradesh (MP). The research population consists of employees working in private schools, colleges, and training institutions in Sagar MP. Due to the large population size, a sample of 422 employees was selected using a simple random sampling technique. The data was collected through a structured questionnaire, which included closed-ended questions with Likert scale response options. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics helped summarize and describe the characteristics of the sample and the variables under study, while inferential statistics, such as t-tests, were used to determine significant differences between groups. The results showed that the majority of respondents were satisfied with the training programs and believed that they had a positive impact on their personal and professional development. There were no significant differences in perceptions of training effectiveness among different groups. Data cleaning and analysis were conducted using statistical software like SPSS. Frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations were calculated to summarize the data. Hypothesis testing was performed to assess the relationship between training and employee development. The results supported the hypothesis that training has a positive effect on staff growth in private institutions in Sagar MP. The study also identified potential challenges and limitations of training programs, such as small sample size, self-report bias, time limitations, and contextual factors specific to Sagar MP. Ethical considerations were taken into account to protect the rights and welfare of the participants. Keywords: Training programs, Employee development, Private institutions, Sample selection Likert scale. Tarun Kumar Singh, Dr. Neha Mathur, Dr. Seema Rafeeq Copyright (c) 8 1 45 56 ENERGY CONSERVATION THROUGH CENTRALIZED PUMPING IN IRRIGATION USING AN OUTLET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (OMS) Irrigation is an essential component of modern agriculture, and the demand for water in agriculture is increasing with the growing population. The conventional irrigation systems consume a significant amount of energy for pumping water, which leads to high operational costs and environmental degradation. This research paper focuses on the energy conservation in irrigation through centralized pumping and an outlet management system. The outlet management system regulates the water flow and pressure, which leads to better irrigation efficiency and energy conservation. The research paper provides a detailed analysis of the outlet management system and its impact on energy conservation in irrigation. The study also includes a case study of an irrigation project in India, where the outlet management system was implemented, and the results showed significant energy savings. Keywords: Centralized & Decentralized pumping, Outlet Management System (OMS), SCADA, Micro Irrigation. Shakshi Singh, Ruchi Pandey Copyright (c) 8 1 57 65